7 Easy Ways To Clean Your House

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7 Easy Ways to Clean Your House


Housekeeping can be very tiring and time-consuming if not done with proper planning. One has to invest ample time to get rid of the mess in a house. Your home is like an oasis, and you would want it to be like that even when you come back from your daily grind. Cleaning of the house can be amusing and relatively painless if done with appropriate planning and procedures.

Check out these 7 easy ways to achieve a neat and tidy home with fewer efforts.

  1. One room at a time

It is very easy to tackle one room at a time. It will help you get your work done faster and motivate you to move towards another room. Try not to get distracted with your cell phone because it will consume a lot of your time and slow you down. Not sure where to start? The answer is very simple, start cleaning the room you and your family use often. This room-by-room tip will help you clean your house quickly. You can use a cordless vacuum cleaner so that cleaning the house is faster and you don’t get exhausted.


  1. Make your bed immediately after you wake up

Follow a routine to make your bed every morning before you step out of the bedroom. This will conserve your time, and your room will look arranged and tidy automatically without investing a lot of efforts. Plus, it won’t take more than a minute. It is also important to have a good and firm mattress so that it’s easy to make your bed.


  1. Keep clothes, shoes, and tools in their allotted places

Clothes and shoes are two things that make your house look untidy, if not kept in the right place. Always try to keep them back to where they belong, instead of throwing them here and there. Have a designated place for washed and unwashed clothes. This will help you know exactly where everything is kept, and you won’t panic when running late to work. Also, make sure that the men in the house keep their tools like laser levels, nail guns, etc back in the garage or store them safely after they are done with it. This will help the home be tidy and also keep the tools away from the hands of young kids.


  1. Clean dishes at night

Nobody wants to see dirty dishes in the sink, especially in the morning. Keeping utensils unwashed will increase the risk of bacterial infection, which can, in turn, ruin the healthy environment of your home. It’s better to wash off the utensils right after you’re done with dinner.


  1. One load of laundry per day

More the members living in a house more would be the effort required to get the laundry done. Try to do one load of laundry per day to avoid build-ups. Inculcate the habit of putting at least one load of laundry before entering the kitchen. This way, you can finish off your laundry with other household work and your weekends won’t be burdened.


  1. Don’t forget the bathroom

The bathroom is a breeding ground of bacteria and viruses. Hence it’s all the more important to keep your bathroom clean on a regular basis to maintain hygiene at home. The best time to clean your bathroom is before taking a shower if possible. Cleaning and scrubbing of toilet bowl every day are recommended. Per day cleaning will save you the fight against stubborn stains and build up. Remember to clean the sink, mirror, and floor too.


  1. Involve family members

Many hands are better than one! Involving family members will make your work easier and save time too. You could also allocate work according to others’ interest, and a small gratification will help you complete the household work faster.


Ellen Biggs is a homemaker, mom of three and a blogger. She loves a clean house and a cup of tea. She co-writes at Archers Sleep Centre and Pretty Home.


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